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Terms & Condition

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This Terms of Business applies to Engine supply and fit service.

  1. Expertre Conditioners accept vehicles for repair and for examination with a view to estimating for repairs and for any other purpose subject to the following terms and conditions. The terms of Business constitute the entire contract between the Company and the Customer. No party has relied on any representation or promise except as expressly set out in this contract. The terms of Business herein will not affect the Customer's Statutory Rights. The Customer is deemed to have accepted these Terms of Business if they or their representatives give instructions or place orders by any means for work to be done or goods to be supplied and a contract will only come into being upon acceptance by the company of such an order. No alteration of these Terms of Business shall be valid unless confirmed in writing and signed on behalf of the company or by a manager of the Company. Any Terms and Conditions supplied, or referred to by the customer shall have no effect on this Contract.
  2. A quote given for fitting an engine is an approximation of the likely cost of supply and fitting all types of engine without dismantling the vehicle's engine for detailed inspection. Prices of all types of engine and its fitting service are those current at the time of the quote and the Company reserves the right to increase the Contract price should additional repairs be found to be necessary on dismantling the vehicle's engine, or if the price to the Company increases in the period between preparing the quote and completing work. If during the progress of work the quote will be exceeded by any material amount the Company will obtain permission from the Customer to continue. A Storage charge may be made for vehicles left on the Company's premises.
  3. An order or instruction, which has been accepted by The Company, may be cancelled by the Customer only with the agreement of the Company. The Customer will pay the Company for all costs, charges or expenses incurred by the Company up until and as a result of the cancellation. A cancellation can only be accepted by the Company when all sums due have been paid.
  4. Unless otherwise expressly stated time is not of the essence of this Contract, nevertheless the Company will endeavor to complete repairs by the date and time requested but cannot accept responsibility for any delay resulting from any cause beyond the Company's control.
  5. If for any reason, work requested by the Customer is not carried out in full, the Company may charge a reasonable amount for the work completed and the cost of the goods supplied and fitted.
  6. An Engine supplied is priced on exchange basis, which means that the Customer's broken engine should be returned to the Company.
  7. Any variation agreed between the Company and the Customer in the work to be carried out or goods supplied shall be deemed to be an amendment to this contract and shall not constitute new Contract.
  8. Any engine, fitting charges and any other additional charges owed by the Customer to the Company must be paid for in full on collection, should the customer agreed to have the vehicle delivered to their address Customer must pay the amount agreed in full including additional charges such as delivery charge that may incurred.
  9. The company retains a lien over the reconditioned engine supplied and or the Customer's vehicle until the cost of reconditioned engine, engine fitting work, tow, repair and storage have been discharged in full and any payment presented has cleared.
  10. All written notices given by the Company to the Customer shall take effect 24 hours after being dispatched by the Company in the normal course of mail delivery to the invoice address.
  11. In the case of engine supply and fit service, The Company shall take reasonable care of the vehicle while in its custody. The Company is not responsible for loss of or damage to a vehicle or its accessories. The Company cannot accept liability for the loss of or damage to personal property or business goods left in the vehicle. The Company advises the Customer to remove all items of value not related to the vehicle prior to work commencing.
  12. The Company shall not be liable to the customer for any loss or damage occasioned by release of the vehicle to any person(s) who settles the account outstanding for goods, tow, repair or storage provided that such person(s) shall have held themselves out as duly authorized by the Customer to have possession of the vehicle.
  13. The Company warrants all parts fitted to the vehicle in accordance with the applicable statutory rights at the time of supply or repair. The Company warrants its work for a period of 6 months or 6000 miles whichever occurs sooner, from the date of completion of the work ("Warranty Period"). If the Company accepts within warranty period that it has failed to execute the Services in accordance with the express terms of the contract, the Company may, at its option, perform again such of the services as have not been carried out in accordance with the express terms of the contract or repay the Customer the charge for such of the services as have not been so performed (provided such charge shall have been paid to the Company by the Customer). The company shall not in any circumstances be liable for any damages, compensation, costs, expenses, labour costs, losses or other liabilities, whether direct or consequential, and any other remedy which would otherwise be available in law is hereby excluded except to the extent that such exclusion is prohibited by any rule of law.
  14. A claim under this Warranty shall not entitle the customer to cancel or refuse payment. This warranty shall not apply where:
  15. the defect or fault is attributable to defective materials supplied by third parties where the Customer's only remedy will be against that third party;
  16. the vehicle has been used for competitions, racing or record attempts or otherwise than for private or commercial use;
  17. the vehicle has been abused in any way or damaged by wear and tear, neglect, rust or failure to maintain in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations;
  18. The vehicle has been damaged in any subsequent accident.
  19. The invalidity, illegality or unenforceability of any provision of these conditions should not affect the other conditions.
  20. A person who is not party to this Contract shall have no right under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) act 1999 to enforce any term of this Contract. This clause does not affect any right or remedy of any person which exists or is available otherwise that pursuant to that Act.
  21. The Contract (and any proceedings whereby one party might be entitled to join the other as a third party) shall be governed by and construed in all respects in accordance with English law and the parties hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.
  22. All warranty periods start on the invoice date of purchase and finish at the end of the period specified depending on the type of unit purchased.
  23. All Warranties are nontransferable; the warranty is available only to the original purchaser of the unit.
  24. If you need to make a claim for any reason please contact us by either phone or in e-mail as soon as possible. Let us know of the problem you are having and one of our sales people will advise you on what should be done.
  25. Full service records must be retained for inspection and will be required in the event of a warranty claim.
  26. This warranty will not cover any defect, damage or breakdown resulting from misuse, negligence or collision.
  27. This Warranty will not apply if the repair is necessitated simply as a result of fair wear and tear.
  28. If any material facts are withheld, or a false or fraudulent report is given under this warranty it will become void and any amounts which may have been paid by Expertre Conditioners under this warranty shall become repayable forthwith.
  29. The vehicle owner is responsible for the costs of maintenance items including but not limited to oils, lubricants, antifreeze, filters, elements, belts, and clutches and any additional items replaced during warranty repairs.
  30. This warranty is valid and effective only if all terms and conditions are fully complied with.
  31. Expertre Conditioners reserve the right to repair or replace the unit, or supply the necessary spare parts to rectify any faulty components. All faulty or damaged parts will be retained by Expertre Conditioners from other repairer.
  32. For engines, the warranty covers the engine block, cylinder head and all internal components. The warranty does not cover the water pump, diesel pump, timing components or any other components that happen to be affixed to the unit.
  33. Expertre Conditioners will not be held responsible for any claims unless this procedure is followed.
  34. The Expertre Conditioners warranty covers any mechanical faults on the unit supplied if a fault should occur.
  35. The Expertre Conditioners warranty does not cover hire cars or claims of consequential loss.
  36. The Expertre Conditioners warranty covers the engine block and cylinder head assembly only.
  37. The unit must be used as a direct replacement for the same unit without any unauthorized modifications not up to the manufacturer's specifications.
  38. In order for claim to be made you will need:
    • To contact us via e-mail or telephone to let us know of the problem
    • Have a claim form sent to you by e-mail
    • Fill out and return the claim form to us for review
    • Once claim is reviewed (normally within 48 hours) one of our staff will contact you to inform you of what has been authorized
  39. Heat tabs may come fitted to our standard Reconditioned Engines. If the heat tabs are tampered with at all or they indicate the engine was overheated then the warranty will be void.
  40. If the unit is delivered with a timing belt installed, a new timing belt must be fitted. The belts that come on our units are there only for testing purposes and if not changed at the time of installation will void the warranty.
  41. The addition of aftermarket "high performance" parts will void your warranty.
  42. Claims: Any claim made by a customer will be restricted to the maximum value of the invoice charged; the company will not be liable for any labour charges or any consequential losses arising directly or indirectly from this transaction.
  43. In order for claim to be made you will need:
  44. to contact us via e-mail or telephone to let us know of the problem
  45. have a claim form sent to you by e-mail
  46. fill out and return the claim form to us for review
  47. Once claim is reviewed (normally within 48 hours) one of our staff will contact you to inform you of what has been authorized
  48. All warranty claims are dealt with on an individual basis as every car is different and every claim has different factors that must be taken into consideration. We try to handle claims as quickly as possible striving to have all completed within a reasonable time after being notified of a fault.
  49. This warranty only covers the vehicle when in use on public metaled roads, and does not apply in marine situations, competition, and race or speed or off road trials. If this vehicle is to be used for towing then this must only be carried out within the manufacturer's recommendations.
  50. This warranty will not cover any defect, damage or breakdown resulting from misuse, negligence or collision.

Tell Us About Your Specification

If you would like to speak to us to find out more about the Reconditioned Engines, Please complete the form below and we will be in touch shortly.